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Another Rant.. Have I got a point or what?

Ok, welcome to the video.. you know what im sick of hearing..

The constant moaning and groaning about footballers wages.. and the fact they are singled out whenever there’s chat about money..

next time you hear someone say footballers are overpaid, ask them why they think that. You’ll probably find they never actually thought about it, or they will say, well all they do is a kick a bag of wind about. Well, that’s a well thought though answer I must say!

next time you hear someone say footballers are overpaid, ask them why they think that. You’ll probably find they never actually thought about it, or they will say, well all they do is a kick a bag of wind about. Well, that’s a well thought through answer I must say!

Most recently this has been brought to attention again, by non other than our own Health secretary Mat Hancock.

Ill just point out that this finger-pointing bigot is currently sitting pretty on his nice fat wage of £140,000 per year.

Asking for footballer to take a wage cut, because it’s the right thing to do.

Ill just point out that this finger-pointing bigot, is currently sitting pretty on his nice fat wage of £140,000 per year.

Well in this video I'm gonna tell you all you whining windbags, to shut your mouth up, and talk about something you know about!!

And when asked if he will be taking a wage cut from his £140,00 per year, we of course he’s not going that is he !

Well in this video im gonna tell you all you whining windbags, to shut your mouth up, and talk about something you know about !

75% of the deaths are people aged 65+. Of that 75 % the vast majority are people with underlying medical conditions, such as shown here.ere going to be many more times to come. related bit, skip ahead to here )

( The next minute or so have nothing to do with football, but I need to put a few things in perspective so if you want to skip ahead and get back to get back the football related bit, skip ahead to here )

So another crisis hits the world, and this time its named Covid-19, there been many times in human history we’ve hit crisis and there going to be many more times to come.

Don’t get me wrong im not making small of covid -19 , but lets just take a minute to put this in perspective for you.

So world death toll this year from the virus currently stands at 135,000

75% of the deaths are people aged 65+. Of those 75% the vast majority are people with underlying medical conditions, such as shown here.

Now lets put that figure of 135,00 and compare it to how many people have died in the world this year from hunger..

So here we see 2.6 million deaths, this year, from hunger. people have died in the world this year from hunger.

Im guessing you're a little bit shocked about that statistic. I know I was when researching for this hunger.

Im guessing your a little bit shocked about that statistic.. I know I was when researching for this video.

If you get covid-19 and have no pre-existing conditions your chance of death currently stands at 0.9%

As far as im aware, starvation and then no food, is a death rate of 100%.

It is very easy to forget that for a lot of people watching this video we are part of the top 1% of the worlds richest people.

As far as I'm aware, starvation and then no food, is a death rate of 100%.

Its very easy to forget that for a lot of people watching this video we are part of the top 1% of the worlds richest people.

To say that another way, if your current annual salary is above 25K per year, you in the worlds top 1% of earners.

Let me just say that again, because, before you start criticising a handful of footballers for earning more money than you do, its important you know where you stand

And before those of us earning less than that, start feeling hard done to , take at look at one more statistic.

Let me just say that again, because, before you start criticising a handful of footballers for earning more money than you do, it's important you know where you stand

if your current annual salary is above 25K per year, you in the worlds top 1% of earners.

Ok enough of all that, let's move over to these overpaid pansies, who get paid obscene amounts of money for kicking a ball of air about and pretending to be crippled if someone gives them a pat on the back..

Pic of 1 in 3

If you have access to water and somewhere to take a dump without the risk of cholera, you doing better than half the worlds population.

The reason im harping on about that is, its so so easy to look at the high earners and think, ha, its alright for Tham. Well you yourself are actually a high earner, so start looking in the mirror…

Ok enough of all that, let move over to these over paid pansies, who get paid obscene amounts of money for kicking a ball of air about and pretending to be crippled if someone gives them a pat on the back.

If we close that world view and look at the entertainers who made the top 100 from the UK, you will see not one is a footballer, in fact, just two sportspeople even made the football.e, footballers, in the list.

First lets head over to Forbes, and see what all the fuss about when it comes to footballers wages..

They come under the class of entertainers, and out of the top 100 highest paid entertainers, footballers must account for about half of them right? Well actually there are actually just three footballers in the list.

( top 100 scan video )

Most of the celebrity list is made up of people who can sing, act or other sports people. footballers make up just three percent of this list, and not one of them plays premiership football.

If we close that world view and look at the entertainers who made the top 100 from the uk, you will see not one is footballer infact, just two sports people even made the list.

So what about footballers wages as a whole..

Out of all the people in the UK who earned a £million last year, footballers must be a big percentage, this is why the government and the newspapers are putting the pressure on the right?

Out of all the people in the uk who earned a £million last year, footballers must be a big percentage, this is why the government and the newspapers are putting the pressure on ,right?

Well, wrong again…. just about 2% were footballers.ion last year, footballers must be a big percentage, this is why the government and the newspapers are putting the pressure on ,right?

Well wrong again…. just about 2% were footballers.

These 500 or so players, who have made their dream a reality, from being a kid they’ve been totally focused on the game of football, they’ve risked everything for a chance of making a living out of football, passing up on an education because school and being the best footballer dont go hand in hand. Give them a frigging break….

( jobs shot )

So why does Matt Hancock feel its ok to have a pop at footballers, and not business moguls, or bankers, Chief executicves, marketing directors, etc etc etc.. or why not take a pop, at the list of the biggest companies in the Uk who are not paying proper tax returns…

Before I tell you my theory, Im going to make one more comparison..

If you take the top 11 earners at the BBC they earn roughly the same as the top 11 players at Bramall Lane.

The thing here is, we as the British public, or just about forced to pay this TV tax.

I for one never watch the bbc and still have to pay. And I know there’s lots more like people like out there who think this just isn’t right.

The wages for the footballers comes in from the people who actually want to watch them Or from sponsors and advertisers who are making money out of them.

Look, the footballers are generating the finance, we live in a capitalist society, so its only fair, they should benefit from the money. Who else would the money go to if not the players. It wouldn’t be the groundsmen, or the match day staff, Ill tell you that, it would go to the businesss owners. So come on..

OK. Rant over.. ootballers don’t deserve the money they earn, not like or Bankers, or CEOs or hedge fund managers.. of course, these rich people profit out of Politics, and politicians like Mat Hancock and his party will warmly receive donations from such people.hat out.tballer don't go hand in hand. Give them a frigging break….

And here is why, in my opinion, footballers get a bad rap. How many footballers come from eaton, or any other public school. Not many I can tell you.. and the one I do know about Frank Lampard, well his dad made his money as a professional footballer, so work that out.

Its down to simple jealousy from the people who have been to university, and somehow think there career choice, is of higher moral statue than a footballer who was probably born into a working class family. It really is as simple as that. Jealousy.

In their opinion, Footballers don’t deserve the money they earn, not like or Bankers, or CEOs or hedge fund managers.. of course these rich people profit out of Politics, and politicians like Mat Hancock and his party will warmly receive donations from such people.

next time you hear someone say footballers are overpaid, ask them why they that. You’ll probably find they never actually thought about it, they just say it because that’s what everyone else says.

OK.. Rant over..

What do you think?

Don’t forget to like the video

next time you hear someone say footballers are overpaid, ask them why they think that. You’ll probably find they never actually thought about it, or they will say, well all they do is a kick a bag of wind about. Well, that’s well thought though answer I must say!!

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